GreenCast Tools

Turf Advisor screen

Turf Advisor app

Get the new Turf Advisor app for all the weather and turf health metrics to support

WeatherPro logo

Weather Pro

WeatherPro maps detailed forecasts of key elements for turf management decisions that

Greencast Tools CTA for GDD

GDD Calculator

Calculate Growing Degree Days for your site and set thresholds for automatic email


Find your localised 5 day weather forecast


Syngenta Turf App

Our updated mobile app - help at hand with all those turf management decisions.

Pest Tracker

Our Turf Pest Tracker follows the timing and movement of the adult life cycle stages

Historic Weather

Historic Weather

See historical weather data for your location.

Historic Disease

Historic Disease

Find essential historical disease information for your site.

Live Disease Map

See where in the country is experiencing disease for invaluable access to predictive